POMONA Ministries
POMONA KIDS (grades 1st-5th)
PCC's Children's Ministry provides a safe environment for children to build relationships and learn what following Christ is all about. We support families in cultivating a lifelong love for Jesus and a foundation of Bible knowledge in the future leaders of our church and communities (Proverbs 22:6). We accomplish our mission of sharing, following, and serving through weekly age graded Sunday School classes, weekly Preschool and Children's Worship Services, Wednesday night classes, the Upward Soccer Program, Summer Camps, Vacation Bible School, PCC Archery, and many other relationship building activities and trips. Parent involvement is fundamental to a child's faith and we desire to help foster conversation and growth at home as well as in community. We would love to visit with you and your children about how we can grow together!
The purpose of PCC's Small Group ministry is to provide an environment where participants experience authentic community and spiritual growth. Through developing relationships, spending time in prayer as a group and studying God's Word, this growth and community is developed. Always seeking to grow both spiritually and in number, our small groups welcome newcomers and even seek out those that aren't a part of our small group ministry. Without a strong community of believers around us in which we are able to open up and share or ask questions, it is very hard to grow as followers of Jesus. That's why we believe this is important! God designed us to live in community, leaning on each other, while relying on Him. We look forward to having you join us!
What better time to teach children than when they are young? PCC’s Early Childhood Ministry, serving ages birth through kindergarten, provides a nurturing, safe, and welcoming environment for every child to learn. We believe children are a blessing from God and are very important in His kingdom. Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights and age specific events at PCC are a time for children to connect with each other, leaders and with God. Our goal is to partner with parents and share in the opportunity and responsibility of raising children to know and love the Lord.
(grades 6th-12th)
PCC's Youth Ministry exists to develop adolescents in to fully devoted followers of Christ. This means that we desire each student to have made their faith their own and that they are committed to all that it means to follow Christ and be a part of His kingdom on earth. Through fun events, classes, worship services, mission trips and service projects we seek to accomplish this task. Also, because of students' deep commitment to Christ, it is our hope that his or her faith doesn't stop with them but is a contagious faith that spreads to other students in our community.
Our challenge is to love with our mind. This group has discovered a desire to learn and know scripture and through that to learn and know God. We are doing this by spending time reading and thinking through scripture to discover what it tells us about God. We also desire to be a strong sisterhood of believers who lift each other up in prayer and encourage each other in difficult times and exhort one another to remain obedient to God.
Wherever you are in your knowledge of God, new believer or spiritually mature, we would love for you to join us. If you have not made a commitment to Christ but want to learn about the Christian faith, you are also welcome to come and learn who God is.